As a dancer, choreographer, and educator, I approach teaching with utmost compassion, investment, and dedication towards the individual behind the dancer. Whether it's an accomplished dancer, a beginner, or anyone in between, my goal is to provide meaningful opportunities for students to connect their experiences in the dance class with other aspects of their lives, with other domains of knowledge, and with their unique perspectives of storytelling.

My aim is to create an inclusive, respectful educational environment that reflects my socially engaged creative practice within diverse communities. I understand that everyone has their own journey and challenges, and I strive to be a compassionate and sympathetic guide in their dance education.

Riley Roberts

Teaching Philosophy





BFA Chapman University Minor in Integrated Education

Dance: Contemporary, Ballroom, Jazz, Hip Hop, Tap
Chapman University: Will Johnston, Jenny Backhaus, Alicia Guy
Mather Dance Company: Shannon Mather & Blake McGrath
Voice: Jennifer Dustman